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Lifting vulnerable children out of poverty, supporting them from their early years to adulthood.

Through education, medical aid, and mentorship, children are empowered to overcome and discover their potential.

41% of people in Uganda are living in poverty. With almost half of the population being under 15, it is one of the youngest populations in the world to be in dire need.

Due to a lack of access to basic resources, support, and safety, 46% of children do not complete primary school (grade 6).

Children of Grace is on a mission to protect and empower the next generation. Through a holistic approach to care students receive access to quality education, medical care, nutrition support, mentorship and empowerment to discover their potential. 


23 Years of Meaningful Change

....and still counting

Communities Impacted


Mobile Medical Clinics







"Because of Children of Grace, I was able to complete University with honors. I am the first in my family to graduate. It is my mission now to give back so others can have the chance of a stable future. No child should be hungry and left without opportunity." 


Become a Champion for Children

Your monthly donation of $19 provides care, education, and opportunity to children living in critical conditions in Uganda.

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